New website lauch - Changes for Account customers
Author: Steve Ball Date Posted:26 February 2015

This blog is aimed specifically at account customers of RED2GO.
The new website provides several new features that we believe will benefit your organsation greatly. First a little bit about the change over:
The new site is LIVE and available from Friday 27th March 2015
We have migrated your existing details (including any negotiated pricing) to the new site and this can be accessed using the "LOG IN" function on the home page Click here to view The username is your email address (The one that we have sent this email to) and the password is the same one from the old site. Should you have any problems with this clicking the "forget my password" will provide an instant reset for you.
One change of note is there is now only one Red2go profile per organsation. This change was necessary to ensure the statement function and order tracking features work. It also ensures that your organsation pricing and billing details are correct.
To assist large organsations who have multiple purchasers and accounts persons the following features will prove very beneficial:
- You can list multiple email addresses which are then copied in on order and invoices etc
- You can split the order to multiple delivery addresses (stored in an address book under your profile)
- Using the log in details you can edit all data held by Red2go (our accounting package uses this data also)
- Using the log in you can view (and duplicate) all past orders, gain tracking details and print invoices, check up on back order items etc
- You can pay individual invoices using alternative payment methods (credit card and Paypal etc)
The change required for account users will be the need to share the same log in details with others from your organsation.
We believe the website will provide significant benefits to the on-line shopper, once they have become familiar with its features.
Steve will be endeavoring to touch base with everyone in the coming days via phone, however please do not hesitate to call him if you have any queries or feedback.
We see this new website and its related functionality as a significant step forward in service provision and will help us to achieve our aim of :
Red2go strives to provide the best quality,certified components at the lowest prices and your continued support is appreciated.
(08) 92793553